Getting started with Tableau : Part 1
Tableau : Tableau is a tool that can help anyone see and understand their data. It has a flexibility to connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.
Step 1 : Practice is the key to success. Therefore, we keep things doing while learning to double solid the concept. Download the tableau desktop from their official website, and start the free trial.
Step 2 : Get some data to start with, we can get the data from the datastore provided here, SuperStoreUS-2015.xlsx is the excel dataset that is extensive to start with.
Step 3 : Install the tableau desktop downloaded in step 1 and launch it. Once you have it launched you will see interface like below.
Step 4 : From the left dropdown choose ‘To a File’ to connect to, and connect to the excel downloaded in step 2.
Step 5 : Once you have data loaded, you can see the excel tabs as individual tabular structure in the interface. You can drag them on the white screen to see the relationship among them as well as the data present in them in a cleaner format.
Step 6 : Switch to sheet 1 from tab in the bottom to launch the visualisation tab for the tableau, all the table columns are present in the left menu as well as the aggregators. To visualise the data you can drag and drop the columns in the whitespace.
Step 7: Example, you want to see the sales in each state of each country.
To achieve it, drag and drop country and state, now you will see the state wise view per country as below.
Now, drag and drop the sales aggregator. For better visualisation, you can drop it on color and label marks and adjust the colors and font type/size as per your preference.
This is all to start with Tableau visualisation for now, keep following for further parts and keep learning folks.